Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Web 2.0 Class Reflection

When I first walked into this class I thought I knew so much about technology.  Boy, was I wrong! Within the first class I wanted to run out screaming.  I had no idea what Judy was even talking about.  After that first class I was nervous for the next, but after going to that next class, I realized I could learn how to use this “new” technology and be good at it.  This class has opened my eyes to using technology within my classroom more than I ever thought it could.  I have learned so many new and exciting thing to incorporate with my curriculum in third grade.  Each week through these eight weeks my students have got to experience everything that I have learned and they have loved it!  I know that I will continue to use many of these resources within my classroom each year.  

Dr. Jean's Site

So a colleague at school showed me this site!!  There are a lot of great songs on here that go along with phonics and stories that include movement for your classroom.  What a great site!  I just thought I would share with all of you !!!

This is also the link to Dr. Jean's Blog for so more info.

Literacy Project

So for my literacy project, I decided to attempt a voice thread.  Overall, I feel it came out great.  My students are just starting to look a poetry so we did an acrostic poem with our names to begin.  The students took off with this poem, and it came out fantastic.  They loved recording their poems, and even getting time to comment on each others.  I could definitely see myself using this tool again!1  My students really enjoyed it.  The only challenge I came across was getting the microphone to work at school, as you can see though I came over that hump and we got the microphone working, from there it was a piece of cake!!  I hope you enjoy our poetry.